Saturday, March 26, 2011


Jay Electronica

I fell out the sky like baby Superman to a farm on kansas

Now the world wanna see my story all on camera

That’s Magic

Described by a Hater,
That’s tragic.
Billy Shakespeare was in his grave doin backspins.
The attractive power of every verse was so intense the ladies required napkins.

The credits rolled:

Below average seemed lavish,
Garbage ass rappers
With a goudy no class chain and a fitted turned backwards
Black on black anti semite rap wazyap
I’m out that nolia So niggas’ll surely clap if I askem
Whip a nigga out his clothes from freret to jackson
Nobody’ll ever wonder about or talk about what happened

Cmon Son

Who Better than us?

They ain’t even figure out they own styles yet man

And every rhyme I ever spit out my face was spotless
Any bitch I ever said strip to got topless
Any click whoever said shit
They got rocked
So sugar Shane Mosley yo ass right out the cockpit
We natural born fly goes
Twist up yo Garcia vegas and toast to the wise guys
We made it to the high rise
Georgy and weezy and Lionel and Jenny kravitz
Jigga and J. Cole
Jay Electronica


Uprisings in Egypt
the black gods free up
the Land erupt

I hope one yall is feelin me

Some of yall gotta wait til the final act of the trilogy to get it
Oh I get it
Niggas wanna hear spit it
But I never take shots
Without establishing pivots

Itsy bitsy spider climbing up the water sprout

Moses and his staff hit the Roc and got the water out

powerful parables

I learned from the lips of my uncle Charles comin outta the VA like clipse

Now there’s a whole wealth to dig thru

but yo shit it’s too shallow for me to dig you

Feel me

Man these wack niggas kill me
Yeah wordplay is nasty but your rhymes don’t thrill me

You lose

Quit believing in the news
The Asiatic Blackman conveniently rude
Sincerely yours



They call it the 'intellectual education candy', designed for kids to develop creativity through cooking. Basically the concept is you mix up powders and mixtures and mould your way through to design these miniature candies that resemble real life foods, ramen, sushi, okonomiyak, takoyaki and so on. A fun concept, sure beats the good old 'play-doh', but wouldn't be so keen on tasting it after seeing all those bright colours and powders. Check out the videos, a real trip seeing how meticulous they are to detail. 


'got all the black bitches mad, cause my main bitch vanilla..'

original track being real grime and dark, toro y moi brings across a smooth soulful sound..but yet still leaves us with a raw feel of the original.. most defiantly a mix that meshes perfectly..peepit

Tuesday, March 15, 2011


Monday March 14th 2011

This morning I woke up in Tokyo, the views from the 9th floor were even more amazing today..we were still all here, safe and sound, and the day felt beautiful, the sun was out the breeze was warm, spring was coming, sakura sakura SAKURA!!

Buildings standing tall some with scars from the earthquakes, the streets are quiet, doesn't feel like Tokyo..many are going somewhere with there travel luggage, elevators out, train lines delayed, cancelled, convenient stores were empty, this was almost a shock in itself, NEVER are the shelves bare, 'Family Mart, AM/PM, 7/11, Sunkus', this is the nations quick source to an abundance of food and today, yesterday and most likely the days after, the shelves are empty. Shinjuku, a station of 1 million a day felt eerie with only a few passing through..sirens have become the background sound for the past few days..We are all so exhausted, so on edge for every shake incase its the 'big one', getting to the point wherever you go, you think in the back of your mind 'where would I run too?, where would I hide?...IF..'

We all have our different feelings on the situation, some believe the worst is over and trust no more harm is on the way, some want to visit Sendai as soon as possible to help in any way, others feel they need to escape on the first flight and for many its family, its friends, its the only life they know so they will remain strong and stand by there home.
At the end of the day we all still feel the ground shake, the room sway and all experienced an historic event, a magnitude 9.0, the earthquake Japan was long overdue for, this is a feeling people will never forget, where you were when it happened, what you were doing, what you were holding, every though process that went through your mind on the emergency.

I pray for those affected, for those still searching, for those who have lost and most of all I pray thats it'd over, let people sleep easy tonight, let us re build. Im so thankful I am standing, unharmed, thankful my friends and there families are safe.

After this experience you can't help but think 'what if', think 'thankful it wasn't me in the wrong place and the wrong time', shit got heavy, I have never been so terrified and felt so helpless in my life. Every other problem that used to phase you seems so insignificant now, and more than anything I appreciate those around me just that extra amount more, because at times like this we only had each other.

My family and friends are truly amazing, really so AMAZING!! I'm blessed to have such beautiful people in my life, I love you all for everything you have done, even though alone through all this I never felt it. Those demanding 5 minute updates on me from oceans away, those willing to do anything they could to ease the situation, those by my side in the night, those on speed dial translating every warning given on the speakers outside and of course my incredible family that got me on the first flight out. I cannot thank you enough, your words, your comfort, you actions, your advices, no words can express this gratitude.

Please let our minds rest..
Please let there be comfort that the worst has come and gone..
Please give strength to those who have lost or still search..
Be safe..

Wednesday, March 9, 2011


Pharoahe Monch 'WE ARE RENAGADES'

A 10 minute short film that addresses police brutality through riveting visuals. Directed by Terance Nance, 'Clap' is the first track from Pharoahe's soon to be released album W.A.R (We Are Renegades). Produced by M-Phazes..



DJ Primo and Pete Rock on the 1's and 2's. Classics/Breakbeats/Funk/90s HipHop/Soul..Legends in the game, a reminder of REAL music..